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Mutation Certificate

Property ownership handling involves various legal processes and documentation. A mutation certificate is one of them, which serves as evidence to legally transfer property ownership. This document is quite essential, especially when you are seeking financial assistance for your property or land.

Let’s have a look at this process from various aspects. If you plan to register any property, having knowledge about this process will be helpful.

What is a Mutation Certificate?

A mutation certificate is a key to alter the title entry entered in the revenue records. It is officially maintained by the local revenue authorities. There are many reasons for transferring a property from the existing owner to the new owner. They include receiving a property as a gift, the death of the original owner, or inheritance or succession.

For every new ownership, the changes in the revenue record are vital for preventing ownership disputes, facilitating future transactions, and accurate property tax collection. In simple terms, a mutation certificate ensures smooth property management.

Types of Mutation Certificates

There are two types of mutations, such as:

Agricultural Land Mutation

The mutation certificate is quite essential for agricultural lands. It is not typical to transfer a land title from the existing owner to the new owner without the submission of a mutation document. In case a government body is about to acquire a particular land, they provide compensation to people whose names are legally enrolled in the land revenue records.

Non-Agricultural Land Mutation

Non-agricultural land includes residential, commercial, independent houses, and industrial properties. Even though the mutation certificate is not compulsory, it may create some future complications like ownership disputes and property taxes. It also prevents them from receiving water and electricity connections.

Importance of Mutation Records in India

Mutation records play a huge role in property ownership. They benefits both the new property owners and government authorities in various aspects.

  • It allows government authorities to accurately charge the property tax when there is a change in property ownership.
  • When selling a property, prospective buyers will demand the mutation record as evidence of ownership. It ensures a smooth transaction between an existing and a new buyer.
  • If a property is agricultural land, a mutation certificate is quite essential to transfer or sell the ownership of a property.
  • It acts as legal proof, providing assurance and legal validity to the property owner.
  • Mutation records are essential for utility connections like water and electricity. Sometimes, the providers may demand this certificate to verify the legal ownership of the property.
  • The legal property owners are eligible for various government schemes and subsidies, which can be verified by mutation records.
  • It helps you track the record if any unauthorised transaction happens against the property.

What is the Format of a Property Mutation Certificate?

After the completion of the process associated with the mutation of land, the mutation certificate will be issued. It serves as evidence for changing the property ownership. Here’s how the format of mutation certification will look:

  • Owner’s name
  • Date of Mutation
  • Property Details
  • Mutation order number
  • Finally, the seal and signature of the local revenue department

How to Get a Mutation Certificate Online in Telangana: A Step-by-Step Guide

You can apply for mutation certification via both online and offline. Here, you can understand the steps to be followed while applying online in Telangana:

Step 1: Visit the official website address of C&DMA (Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration).

Step 2: Click on Registration and Mutation Data listed in the menu.

Step 3: Select the appropriate district name. You will be presented with the report as per the SRO PLT VT Abstract ULB.

Step 4: To check the status of your application, select an option such as application number, In Process, Issued, or Rejected within 15 days.

Step 5: Next, select your request number from the list to view your property details.

Steps to Apply for a Mutation Certificate Offline in Telangana

Here are the steps you need to take while applying for a mutation certificate offline in Telangana:

Step 1: Visit the sub-registrar’s office directly with the necessary documents

Step 2: Fill out the application with appropriate details, including your name, address of the buyer and seller, survey number of old and new land, and other significant registration details.

Step 3: Submit the required documents along with your application form to the concerned official.

Step 4: After that, you will receive a transaction ID sent to your registered phone number.

Step 5: To ensure the mentioned information, a physical inspection will be carried out by the officials.

Step 6: Once the verification is done, the concerned body will provide a mutation certificate.

Documents Required for a Mutation Certificate

Below are the list of documents required to acquire the mutation certificate while changing the property ownership.

  • Ration card
  • Sale deed
  • Applicant’s Aadhaar card
  • Registered deed of sale (including previous and current)
  • The value mentioned on the stamped sheet of paper
  • Application form filled out for mutation of the property
  • Copies of the will
  • Succession certificate or the death certificate of the owner
  • Indemnity bond
  • Property tax receipts
  • Affidavit for mutation of property

What Happens If Mutation of Property is Not Done?

The properties without the mutation certificate cause a penalty, which is not high and typically ranges from Rs. 25 to Rs. 100. However, individuals are free to apply for a mutation certificate at their convenience. As mentioned earlier, the proof of mutation is essential while selling or transferring a property. To avoid any further complications, you should apply for a proper mutation to keep yourself on the safer side.

What are the Fees and Charges for Mutation?

Fees will be charged while applying for a mutation certificate. When you apply offline or online, the sub-registrar’s will collect the required fee and send it to the municipal corporation. The charges vary for every city or region.

Final Thoughts

Applying a mutation certificate is a small step, but it saves you from the biggest consequences while selling or transferring your property. It acts as a valuable document from selling to availing the basic utility connections like water and electricity. If you have a plan to buy any land or property, ensure it has a mutation certificate before the transaction.

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